Part I

The first step, we start assembling the robot.

  The purpose of this step is to realize the concept of the robot, how it should look and function according to the requirements it has to meet.     W e started by designing the base, the platform on which the robot will have its equipment attached. Then we built and attached the set of wheels and 2 motors through which it will move.      T he lego ev3 mindstorm computer we put at the center of the construction, in order to have an ideal balance and to have access to its ports and buttons.  


     Join us in our journey. A journey in which we accomplish to create a defender bot whose purpose is to carry out attacks and defenses.
Our team: 
Cojocaru Augustin-Stelian - 2123621 
Gorodetchi Pavel - 2123121 
Ilies Daniel - 2123721
Stoica Eugeniu - 2122921                                                               
